
时间:2024-10-04 21:58:25编辑:分享君


  repair既能做名词也能做动词,那么你知道它们分别都是什么意思吗?下面我为大家带来repair的英语意思和相关用法,欢迎大家一起学习!   repair的英语音标   英 [rɪˈpeə(r)]   美 [rɪˈper]   repair的时态   过去分词: repaired   过去式: repaired   现在分词: repairing   repair的意思   vi. 修理 ;修复   vt. 修理;恢复;补救,纠正   n. 修理,修补;修补部位   repair的 近义词   restore   repair的同根词   词根 repair   n.   repairer 修理者;修补者   repair的词语辨析   fix, mend, repair, patch这 组词 都有“修理,修复”的意思,其区别是   fix 多用于美语,仅用于指带有安装固定性质的修理。   mend 通常指较简单的修复过程,一般不需要专门技术或特殊工具。   repair 可与mend换用,但一般指需要较高的职业技能和使用较复杂的工具进行修理。   patch 通常指用类似材料修补破洞、裂缝或磨损的地方。   repair的词汇搭配   maintenance and repair 保养和修理   repair and maintenance 检修;修理和维护   repair work 修理作业   repair shop 修配车间   under repair 修理中   in good repair 维修良好;修理完善   beyond repair 无法补救,无法修理   repair welding 补焊   heavy repair 大修   dna repair DNA修复   ship repair 船舶修理   repair的英语例句   1. If you are not happy about a repair, go back and complain.   如果你对修理效果不满意,可以再找他们投诉。   2. The monks of Ettal keep the abbey in good repair.   埃塔尔的修道士把修道院维护得很好。   3. It would be uneconomic to try and repair it.   花钱修理不合算。   4. Data recorders also pin-point mechanical faults rapidly, reducing repair times.   数据记录仪还能迅速查明机械故障,减少维修次数。   5. The flat was in a poor state of repair.   公寓严重失修。   6. Many of the buildings are in need of repair.   许多建筑需要整修。   7. The car was smashed beyond any hope of repair.   汽车被撞烂了,修复无望。   8. There is no doubt now that her marriage is beyond repair.   毫无疑问她的婚姻无法挽救。   9. "Can you repair it?" — "No problem"   “你能修好它吗?”——“没问题。”   10. The road was in bad repair in parts.   公路的部分路段路况很差。


repair意思是:修理,修补;补救,挽救;修补过的地方;维修状态,保养情况。1、词形变化:(1)复数:repairs。(2)第三人称单数:repairs。(3)现在分词:repairing。(4)过去式:repaired。(5)过去分词:repaired。2、词组搭配:(1)maintenance and repair:保养和修理。(2)repair and maintenance:检修;修理和维护。(3)repair work:修理作业。(4)repair shop:修配车间。(5)under repair:修理中。(6)in good repair:维修良好;修理完善。(7)beyond repair:无法补救,无法修理。(8)repair welding:补焊。(9)heavy repair:大修。(10)dna repair:DNA修复。repair双语例句:1、I took my bike in for repair.我把自行车送去修了。2、The building was in need of repair.这座大楼需要维修了。3、We'll repair it as quickly as possible.我们会尽快把它修好的。4、He managed to repair the car by himself.他自己设法修了汽车。5、The building is badly in need of repair.这栋楼急需维修。

