
时间:2024-10-06 04:56:55编辑:分享君


英语网络流行语如下:1.IMHO my humble opinion恕我直言IMHO是一个美国的俚语,是汉语里“恕我直言”的意思,请看例句:Jin Yong is more literary, which sometimes may get a little heavy handed, IMHO.恕我直言,金庸有时过于文艺了。2.Gucci好的、酷的一说到Gucci,大家脑海里除了第一时间浮现Gucci这个奢侈品牌之外,大概还会想起那首“Gucci Gucci…Prada Prada……”的rap。其实不然,Gucci还可以用来打招呼。如果有人问你“What’s Gucci?”,可别以为他是让你解释Gucci是什么哦!“What's Gucci”相当于“What's up?(近来如何?)”、“How are you?(你好吗?)”、“What's good?(有什么好消息吗?)”等,这一说法源自原创饶舌歌手Gucci Mang,很多黑人孩子都喜欢这样打招呼。Gucci在俚语中有“好的、酷的”的意思,这个意思还真与意大利时尚品牌Gucci有关。请看例句:-Hey man,what's up?嘿伙计,最近怎么样?-Nothing at all bro, what's gucci with you?没什么事老兄,你怎么样?3.GOAT=Greatest of All Time史上最伟大;史上最佳请看例句:China is a great nation, possibly the greatest of all time.中国或许是有史以来最伟大的国家。


英语网络用语有:好嗨哟。be so high/get really high Her spirits get really high after a couple of drinks。几杯酒下肚,她变得好嗨哟。Chad is heading off to Spain for the week. and i'm green with envy。查德这周要去西班牙,我酸了。是个狼人。someone is a。badass/crackerjack。He is a real badass, finishing that project on such a tight schedule。工期这么紧的情况下,他还能完成项目,真是个狼人。硬核 hardcore。He is the hardcore engineer here--we cannot do without him。他是我们这的硬核工程师,没他可不行。996指工作时间从早上9点到晚上9点,一周工作6天(workfrom 9am to9pm, sixdaysaweek),代表着中国互联网企业盛行的加班文化(overtime culture in internet companies)。英语网络用语的意思:Laugh out loud (大声笑) 的缩写。中文的话可以翻作 233、hhh等。要注意的是有时候会加在句尾表示轻松的语气。例如 I've already played that game lol 。lmao 是 laugh my ass off (笑掉屁股) 的缩写,意近 233333333333333333333 之类的。常见变体有lmfao (f 即那个粗话,以此强调语气及好笑程度)。Bruh 这个词算是外网较常见的。翻译成中文的话类似 啊这 。常见变体有br(啊这了但没有完全啊这)、brol (啊这草生了出来,bruh+lol)。Shake my head (摇头ing) 的缩写。一般是在回应一些让别人以为你是zz令人无语的信息时使用,加在句尾。常见变体有smh my head,强调语气及无语程度。imo 是 in my opinion (我认为) 的缩写。ig 可以代表Instagram,也可以是I guess (我觉得吧、我想)。 作者:ARandomChinese https://www.bilibili.com/read/cv11953634 出处bilibili。


  Jack: Hi, Ann.


  Ann: Hi, Jack. Long time no see.


  Jack: Yeah! I've just e back from London.


  Ann: Why did you go there?


  Jack: I went there on business.


  Ann: Where did you visit?


  Jack: I visited London Bridge, Westminster and the Big Ben. And I took many pictures.


  Ann: Please let me see them.

  Ann: Would you like to go shopping with me tomorrow?


  Tracy: But you said you were saving up to have a trip to Canada and see the maple leaves there.


  Ann: Well, I've changed my mind.


  Tracy: Oh?


  Ann: I will go to Hiroshima in Tokyo instead. It is said that the maple leaves there are as beautiful as those in Canada.


  Tracy: Really?


  Ann: Yeah. And it will cost much less to go there than to Canada. And I would like to visit the Itsukushima Shinto Shrine there.


  Tracy: Oh, I've heard of it. Many Japanese people take their wedding photo there.

  Ann: Do you like travelling?


  Jack: Yes, and I've just e back from Scotland.


  Ann: Where did you visit?


  Jack: I only had time to visit Edinburgh.


  Ann: How did you like it?


  Jack: It's fantastic! .


  Ann: Did you visit Edinburgh Castle?


  Jack: Of course. And I tasted Scotch whisky there.

  Jack: Any plans for your holiday?


  Tracy: I plan to go to Lago Di o.


  Jack: Lago Di o? I have never heard of it. Where's it?

  科莫湖? 我从来没听说过,在哪儿?

  Tracy: In Italy. It's known as the most beautiful lake in Italy.


  Jack: But it's unknown to the public in China.


  Tracy: Absolutely.


  Jack: How do you know about it?


  Tracy: I have seen the movie Star WarsⅡ, and a scene in the film was taken at Lago Di o.




关于外出旅游的英语口语对话   旅游是指游玩,通常是团体出行,在时间上是很短暂的。下面是我整理的和外出旅游相关的英语口语,希望能帮到大家!   1.我好像晕机了怎么办?    A:What's the matter, sir? You look pale.   怎么啦,先生?您看起来脸色苍白。   Benjamin:   I feel dizzy and weak. And I'm having this pain in my ear. I think I am sick.   我感觉头晕,虚弱。耳朵也有点疼,我想我是病了。   A:Are you often traveling by plane?   您经常乘坐飞机吗?   Benjamin:   No, this is the second time.   不,这是第二次。   A:That's right. It's normal if you don't often take the plane. Just relax a little bit.   那就对了。如果您不是经常乘坐飞机这就是正常的。放松点。   Benjamin:   Why this happens to me when I am on the plane? I feel bad.   为什么在飞机上会有这种感觉?我感觉很难受。   A:Don't worry, sir. It's just because of the lower pressure.   不用担心,先生。只是由于低气压的缘故。   Benjamin:   What should I do about it?   我该怎么做呢?   A:You may feel much better if you chew some gum or peanuts.   如果嚼点口香糖或花生会感觉舒服些。   Benjamin:   OK, thanks. Does it work really? I'll give a try.   好的。谢谢。真的.有用么?我来试试。   A:Are you feeling better now? Do you need some pills?   感觉好些了吗?需要药片吗?   Benjamin:   Much better. Thank you. I just feel tired but I can't fall asleep.   好多了,谢谢。我感觉很累,但是睡不着。   A:So, you'd better wear this eyeshade and you will sleep well.   戴上眼罩会睡得舒服点。   Benjamin:   I am not used to wearing that. Thanks.   我不习惯戴着那个。谢谢。   A:If you try to adapt yourself to your destination's local time, you'll feel more comfortable. So please try to sleep, and have meals according to Los Angeles's time.   如果您试着去适应目的地的当地时间,您会感觉舒服很多。请试着睡一觉,并按照洛杉矶时间来进餐。   Benjamin:   Thank you so much.   非常感谢。   A: You are welcome. Please press the button when you need any help.   不客气。如果需要什么帮助,请按按钮。   2.飞往伦敦的报到处在哪儿?   Jane:   Thank you so much.   谢谢。   Peter:   You are welcome.   不客气   Peter:   Yes, madam. The reporting desk for the British Airways flight to London is over there.   太太,英国航空公司飞往伦敦的报到处在那边。   Jane:   I’m taking BA Flight 123 to Lundon. Can you tell me where the reporting desk is, please.   我要乘英国航空公司飞往伦敦的123 航班。请问报到处在哪儿?   3.如何自我保护   第一句:Here you are. Please don't hurt me.   给你,请别伤害我。    A: Freeze or I’ll shoot?   不许动,否则我开枪了。   B: Oh, no, l,m just a traveling student and don’t have too much cash on me.   哦,不要,我只是个来旅行的学生而已, 我身上没有多少现金。   A: Nonsense. I want money.   少废话,我要钱。   B: Here you are. Please don't hurt me.   给你,请别伤害我。   第二句:What do you want?   你想要什么?   A: Hands up.   举起手来。   B: What do you want?   你想要什么?   A: Shut up. Where is the money?   闭嘴,钱在哪儿?   B: It’s in the pocket of my trousers.   在我的裤兜里。   4.旅游景点的对话   第一句:Would you please recommend some places for sightseeing?   可以为我们推荐一些参观的地方吗?   A: Would you please recommend some places for sightseeing?   可以为我们推荐一些参观的地方吗?   B: How about the National Yellow Stone Park? It's really worth seeing.   国家黄石公园怎么样?他确实值得一看。   第二句:Anything interesting in this city?   这城市有什么有趣的景点吗?   A: Anything interesting in this city?   这城市有什么有趣的景点吗?   B: We have a beautiful natural park.   有魅力的自然公园。   A: It's worth the time.   值得一看。   B: Let's go to have a visit.   我们去参观一下吧。   其他表达法:   Which places are must-sees?   那些旅游景点是必看之地?   Where do you recommend to see a night view of the city?   你推荐在哪儿可以看到好的城市夜景?   延伸阅读:旅游英语情景对话   A:I thought you said we were going to stay three days in Chicago.   A:你说我们在芝加哥要待三天的。   B: We are. It's two nights In the hotel. July 3rd and 4th, but three days altogether.   B:是三天。在旅馆住两夜,7月3号和4号,但总共是三天。   A:I see. We arrive early on the third, and we leave at 11: 30 pm. on the fifth.   A:明白了。我们是3号一大早到,5号夜里11:30走。   C: That's correct. As you see, I've made reservations for you on the night train to New York on the fifth. You’ll have two sleeping berths.   C:对。你们看,我为你们预订了5号夜里的火车票去纽约。你们有两个卧铺。   B: So it is really a full day on the fifth.   B:所以5号有一整天时间。   C: Plenty of time for shopping and sightseeing. You'll even have enough time for a show in the evening because the train station is near the theater district.   C:有充足的时间购物和观光。你们甚至有足够的时间在晚上看场表演。火车站就在剧院区附近。   A:I think that will work out fine.I hope I’ll be able to sleep on the train.   A:我看这个安排很好。希望在火车上我能睡着。   5.旅游计划的英语对话   a:are there any scenic spots nearby   a:附近有什么旅游景点吗?   b:you can go to zhongshan park.   b:你可以去中山公园。   a:have you ever been there   a:你去过那儿吗?   b:yes. the scenery there is so breathtaking   b:是的。那儿的景点简直太美了。   a:really   a:真的吗?   b:yes,of course. iys really worth visiting.   b:当然是的。那儿确实值得一游。 ;

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