
时间:2024-10-07 11:09:44编辑:分享君


"gat" 是英文中的一个单词,过去式和过去分词形式为 "got"。它在不同的语境下可能有不同的含义和用法。首先,"gat" 在口语和非正式场合中常被用作 "get" 的过去式。"get" 是一个多功能的动词,可以表示获得、理解、到达等意思。而 "gat" 则指过去某个时间点或事件中发生了获取、理解、到达等行为。例如,"I gat a new book yesterday."(昨天我买了一本新书)或者 "She gat the message."(她明白了这个信息)。此外,在古老的英语文学作品中,"gat" 还是 "get" 的过去式。这种用法通常出现在史诗、传说或其他以古老风格写成的文本中。例如,《贝奥武夫》(Beowulf)这部古老的史诗中,就使用了 "gat" 来表示过去的获取或行动。需要注意的是,在现代标准英语中,"got" 通常用作 "get" 的过去式和过去分词形式。所以,当我们要表达过去的获得、理解或到达时,我们会使用 "got" 而不是 "gat"。例如,"I got a new job last month."(上个月我找到了一份新工作)或者 "He has got a lot of money."(他有很多钱)。综上所述,"gat" 是英语中的一个过去式形式,常用于非正式场合和古老的文学作品中,表示过去发生的获取、理解或行动。然而,在现代标准英语中,我们通常使用 "got" 作为 "get" 的过去式和过去分词形式。通过了解这个词汇的用法,我们能够更好地理解和运用英语,并与他人进行有效的交流。


The gate where he was leaning grew grey . 他倚著的大门变得灰白起来。 We came to a hedge with a gate in it . 我们来到一个有门的围篱那儿。 I noticed him in the garden near the gate . 我发现他在花园里靠近门处。 I guess his girl has given him the gate . 我猜他被他的女友甩掉了。 They bodyguarded her all the way to the gate . 他们一路护送她到大门口。 The crowd was swarming out through the gates . 人群一窝蜂地从门口涌出。 The gate squeaked, mrs. wyburd had gone . 大门咔嚓一响,威勃德太太走了。 Steel gate is replaced by neoprene guides . 钢闸门为氯丁橡胶导板所代替。 One must stand clear of the gates of a pft . 人要与电梯门离开一些站著。 The iron gate was pulled to with a clang . 铁门哗的一声拉上了。 Today 's gate will be given to charity . 今日的门票收入将捐献给慈善事业。 The carriage stopped at the gate of the hospital . 马车已在医院门口停下。 The o teams divided a gate of $3,250. 这两个队分享了3,250美元的门票费。 Less important football teams have *** all gates . 不太重要的足球队观众少。 He stationed soldiers at the city gates . 他派兵把守各个城门。 The fpght is now boarding at gate 16 . 本班机现在在第16出口。 The dog got in by creeping under the gate . 那狗从门下爬进来。 Ahead you see the golden gate bridge . 你看,前面是金门大桥。 Thereat he opened the gate and went in there . 于是他打开了门,并且走了进去。 Cycpsts please di *** ount at the gate . 骑自行车出入请下车。 We are to meet at the school gate . 我们约定在校门口碰头。 I shouted to him to shut the gate . 我大声告诉他把门关上。 She pterally ran along the path toward the gate . 她真的沿著小路向门奔跑过去。 Rex soon became an expert at opening the gate . 雷克斯很快就成了一个开门能手了。 He crawled along the fence until he reached the gate . 他顺著篱笆一直爬到大门边。 The film is transported continuously past the film gate . 胶片被连续传输通过快门。 The ponent gate opens at the beginning of the peak . 在波峰开始时,门电路打开。 But the popce were baffled by the locked gate . 但是警察被锁著的大门弄得困惑不解。 They squashed through the gate into the football ground . 他们挤过大门,进入足球场。 They were searched every time they went through the gate . 他们每次进门时都要被搜身。 You must not leave the gate open . 你不要敞著大门。 I shall paint the gate green . 我将把大门油成绿色。 We passed through the gate which faces the mediterranean . 我们穿过面临地中海的城门。 Come. batter the gate once more ! 喂!重新打门呀! The car back through the gate . 汽车倒车开出大门。 A fire on the city gate brings disaster to the fish in the moat . 城门失火,殃及池鱼。 The bell of the entrance gate was heard to ring loudly . 只听大门上的门铃嘹亮地响起来。 Many fierce battles were fought outside of the gates . 很多激烈的战斗是在城门外展开的。 He heard the side gate slam . 他听见边门的响声。 Supporters crowded through the gates into the stadium . 来捧场的人挤过大门,涌入运动场。 After much difficulty and jolting, they reached the gate . 费了不少周折,他们方到达大门。 The insurgent mob assembled at the gate of the city park . 叛变的暴徒聚在市立公园的门口。 There was a gate of thousands . 观众数以千计。 He went off hastily out of the garden gate and down the lane . 他匆忙走出花园门,走上小路。 I was set on by their dog as soon as i opened the gate . 我刚一开大门,他们的狗就朝我扑来。 They all dropped softly on the ground within the gate . 他们全都轻轻地跳落在门里面的土地上。 The guard won't let anyone through the gate without a pass . 哨兵不让没有通行证的人通过大门。 A third man joined them as they neared the gate . 当他们走近门的时候,第三个警卫又加入了他们。 My garden municates with the one next door by means of a gate . 我的花园有道门与邻家的相通。 The prisoner sppped past the guards on the gate and escaped . 犯人从大门口的警卫身旁溜过逃走了。

