
时间:2024-10-09 09:33:15编辑:分享君


英语美文摘抄短句如下:1、那些年错过的爱情,好想拥抱你拥抱错过的勇气。 Those who missed the love, I want to hug you miss the courage to embrace. 2、江南风骨,天水成碧,天教心愿与身违。 Jiangnan style, The Tianshui Chengbi, days to teach aspiration and body violation. 3、当属于我们的向日葵死了,那么我们还会微笑么。 When the sunflower belongs to us, then we will smile. 4、在悠然的午后,享受会下午茶时光,耳边响起勾起回忆的旋律。 In a leisurely afternoon,The will enjoy the afternoon tea time, the ears recalls the melody. 5、你要找的不是一个完美的人,而是一个对你而言最适宜的人。 You are not looking for a perfect person, but a person who is the most suitable for you.


   英语美文摘抄200字 (一)   Father had a family of sons who were perpetually quarrelling among themselves. When he failed to heal their disputes by his exhortations, he determined to give them a practical illustration of the evils of disunion; and for this purpose he one day told them to bring him a bundle of sticks. When they had done so, he placed the faggot into the hands of each of them in succession, and ordered them to break it in pieces. They each tried with all their strength, and were not able to do it.   He next unclosed the faggot, and took the sticks separately, one by one, and again put them into their hands, on which they broke them easily. He then addressed them in these words: "My sons, if you are of one mind, and unite to assist each other, you will be as this faggot, uninjured by all the attempts of your enemies; but if you are divided among yourselves, you will be broken as easily as these sticks."   一位父亲有几个孩子,这些孩子时常发生口角。他丝毫没有办法来劝阻他们,只好让他们看看不合群所带来害处的例子。为了达到这个目的,有一天他叫他们替他拿一捆细柴来。当他们把柴带来时,他便先后地将那捆柴放在每一个孩子的手中,吩咐他们弄断这捆柴。他们一个个尽力去试,总是不能成功。   然后他解开那捆柴,一根根地放在他们手里,如此一来,他们便毫不费力地折断了。于是他就告诉他们说:"孩子们!如果你们大家团结一致,互相帮助,你们就像这捆柴一样,不能被你们的敌人折断;但如果你们自行分裂,你们就将和这些散柴一般,不堪一折了。"    英语美文摘抄200字 (二)   Spirit is a monument, is a cornerstone, is on the way of life is brilliant, ruler. A modest, being the Confucius YinChu hits, "two heads are better than one, slowly," fools, generation Confucianism masters, With tolerance, ambitious, daring JiHuanGong devoid of nay, appoint people by abilities, achievement, generation vista dominance, With firmness, lonely lonely YuFen SuWu of sorrow, always don't throw away the hand that race day, the heart of han motherland, patriotic model; the cadre A dedication, kindness and plain, the ordinary XuHuCai can years like one day, warm feeling, sprinkle the people, to today's "living lei feng." … Through history, tunnel, through history, forever will hold the grand mansion lofty life.   精神是一座丰碑,是一块基石,是前进道路上的灯塔,是灿烂人生的标尺。有了谦虚,学富五车、才高八斗的孔子缓缓吟出"三人行,必有我师",不耻下问,终成一代儒学大师;有了宽容,雄心勃勃、意气风发的齐桓公摈弃私仇,任人唯贤,成就千秋伟业,终成一代霸主;有了坚贞,寂寞忧愁、孤寂郁愤的苏武始终不扔掉手中的汉使族节,心系祖国,终成千秋爱国楷模;有了奉献,善良质朴、平凡无闻的徐虎才能够十年如一日,情洒百姓,温暖万家,终成当今的'"活雷锋".……精神,穿越历史隧道,趟过历史长河,将永远撑起人生巍峨壮观的大厦。    英语美文摘抄200字 (三)   henry david thoreau(热爱生活 )   however mean your life is,meet it and live it ;do not shun it and call it hard names.it is not so bad as you are.it looks poorest when you are richest.the fault-finder will find faults in paradise.love your life,poor as it is.you may perhaps have some pleasant,thrilling,glorious hourss,even in a poor-house.the setting sun is reflected from the windows of the alms-house as brightly as from the rich man's abode;the snow melts before its door as early in the spring.i do not see but a quiet mind may live as contentedly there,and have as cheering thoughts,as in a palace.the town's poor seem to me often to live the most independent lives of any.may be they are simply great enough to receive without misgiving.most think that they are above being supported by the town;but it often happens that they are not above supporting themselves by dishonest means.which should be more disreputable.cultivate poverty like a garden herb,like sage.do not trouble yourself much to get new things,whether clothes or friends,turn the old,return to them.things do not change;we change.sell your clothes and keep your thoughts.   翻译:不论你的生活如何卑贱,你要面对它生活,不要躲避它,更别用恶言咒骂它。它不像你那样坏。你最富有的时候,倒是看似最穷。爱找缺点的人就是到天堂里也能找到缺点。你要爱你的生活,尽管它贫穷。甚至在一个济贫院里,你也还有愉快、高兴、光荣的时候。夕阳反射在济贫院的窗上,像身在富户人家窗上一样光亮;在那门前,积雪同在早春融化。我只看到,一个从容的人,在哪里也像在皇宫中一样,生活得心满意足而富有愉快的思想。城镇中的穷人,我看,倒往往是过着最独立不羁的生活。也许因为他们很伟大,所以受之无愧。大多数人以为他们是超然的,不靠城镇来支援他们;可是事实上他们是往往利用了不正当的手段来对付生活,他们是毫不超脱的,毋宁是不体面的。视贫穷如园中之花而像圣人一样耕植它吧!不要找新的花样,无论是新的朋友或新的衣服,来麻烦你自己。找旧的,回到那里去。万物不变,是我们在变。你的衣服可以卖掉,但要保留你的思想。    英语美文摘抄200字 (四)   Eliminate Internal Negative Chatter   The first step is one of awareness. It will be hard to make a change to positive thinking without being acutely intimate with the thoughts that run through your mind. Recently, I was amazed to discover deep buried emotions from negative thoughts that I had for fewer than 10 minutes. Without awareness, I would have carried the hurt and anger inside. Awareness helped me to bring them out to the open for me to deal with.   Undoubtedly it will not be easy to make a switch if you have a long history or negative self talk. Your talk became negative over the years due to various factors. For instance, if your first grade teacher repeatedly told you that you were "stupid", you might believe it to be truly the case. You would find that your inner chatter would often be filled with talk of "I am so slow" and "it is so hard to learn". If you constantly tell yourself such negative stories, your actions are going to reflect your low self esteem. It will be difficult to get very far if you are always putting yourself down.   A common negative talk involves telling yourself "I can’t". When you say to yourself "I can’t" or "it is too difficult", you are creating a resistance. Having such a mental block will prevent you from achieving a task you could otherwise succeed at.   Anytime you catch yourself saying "I can’t…", turn around and challenge your own claim with, "Why can’t I?" Research shows that most geniuses became the people they are also because of the hard work they put in. So if you would like to be successful, you need to start saying "I can" a lot more.   A great method that I have also found useful is to say "Cancel Cancel" each time I find myself saying something negative, whether in the mind or verbally. The method works if you sincerely have the intent of becoming a positive thinker.    英语美文摘抄200字 (五)   positive Affirmations   Affirmations are positive statements of a desired outcome or goal. They are usually short, believable and focused. By repeating them over and over again, you build inroads into your subconscious mind, opening up the possibility of a new state of thoughts.   An important step when repeating affirmations is that you need to read your affirmations aloud with feeling. The mere reading of the words bears no consequence unless you put some emotions behind them. Of significant fact is that your subconscious mind takes any orders given in complete faith and after repeated self talk. So the daily practice of repeating affirmations is important.   Initially you may be skepticism toward the statement of your positive affirmation. However, if you follow this simple set of instructions your skepticism will soon give way to a new set of beliefs and then crystallized into absolute faith.    英语美文摘抄200字 (六)   positive Scripts   One thing that you may observe is on how easy it is for your mind to build negative thought upon negative thought. The chatter not only does not stop but it spins a drama that traps and limits you.   From now on, regularly do this exercise instead. Spin an uplifting story that runs like a movie script. Some visualization will be helpful. You build on a story with a positive outline. The longer you can tell this story to yourself the better. It is also best if you can make this story one about having all your goals achieved. When you do this, you start to internalize your goals and dreams, as if they are something that you have already achieved.    英语美文摘抄200字 (七)   Replace Negative Influences with positive Ones   It is important that you identify external negative factors in your life which may be holding your thoughts hostage. For instance, your mental state can become toxic by being around friends who are negative. If you are not vigilant enough, you will start to adopt their thoughts as your own. Hence, be alert to what your negative influences are. If they come from certain friends, limit your exposure to them as much as you can. Refrain from discussing your plans with people who will be unsupportive of your dreams and goals.   Instead surround yourself with thoughts and actions from people who will empower you.   From being uninspired and de-motivated, you will begin to feel uplifted and driven to greater self growth. The positive energy that they vibrate will start affecting the self talk that you engage in as well.    英语美文摘抄200字 (八)   Present Tense Messages   You may find yourself daunted by the many things you need to do in order to reach your goals. It just seems overwhelming to become the success that you secretly desire for. Your mind gets caught up in an endless stream of worry.   What may be helpful is to concentrate on steps you can take in the present. If you find yourself becoming stuck, stop and say, "What can I do right now?" Change your internal talk from a future anxiety ridden one to one that is about the more manageable present. You cannot control what will happen in the future but you can take the necessary steps now that will build a better tomorrow. Taking the necessary steps require you to focus your thoughts and inner talk on Now.    英语美文摘抄200字 (九)   Confront Fears   Fear is often what holds you back from your success. You are scared of taking chances because you fear losing the security that you enjoy now. You try to convince yourself that you are happy in your current state when in fact, you are not. Your self talk may sound positive in your attempt to lie to yourself. But somehow, there is an inner knowing that you are short changing yourself.   Ask yourself what you are afraid of. What can be the worst that can happen? Take a step-by-step approach in breaking down your fears and see if there is any way round to looking at thin


  初中生英语美文:A Perfect Heart
  One day a young man was standing in the middle of the town proclaiming***宣告,宣告*** that he had the most beautiful heart in the whole valley. A large crowd gathered, and they all admired his heart for it was perfect. There was not a flaw in it.

  Suddenly, an old man appeared and said, "Why, your heart is not nearly as beautiful as mine!"

  The crowd and the young man looked at the old man's heart. It was full of scars. It had places where pieces had been removed and other pieces put in, but they didn't fit quite right, and there were several jagged***锯齿状的*** edges. In fact, in some places there were deep gouges***沟*** where whole pieces were missing.

  The young man laughed. "paring your heart with mine, mine is perfect and yours is a mess of scars."

  "Yes," said the old man, "Yours looks perfect but I would never trade with you. You see, every scar represents a person to whom I have given my love. I tear out a piece of my heart and give it to them, and often they give me a piece of their heart that fits into the empty place in my heart.

  "But because the pieces aren't exact, I have some rough edges, which I cherish, because they remind me of the love we shared.

  "Sometimes I have given pieces of my heart away, and the other person hasn't returned a piece of his or her heart to me. These are the empty gouges - giving love is taking a chance.

  "Although these gouges are painful, they stay open, reminding me of the love I have for those people too, and I hope someday they may return and fill the space I've been waiting. So now do you see what true beauty is?"

  The young man walked up to the old man, reached into his perfect heart, and ripped a piece out. He offered it to the old man.

  The old man placed it in his heart, then took a piece from his old scarred heart and placed it in the wound in the young man's heart. It fit, but not perfectly, as there were some jagged edges.

  The young man looked at his heart, not perfect anymore but more beautiful than ever, since love from the old man's heart flowed into his.

  They embraced and walked away side by side.

  How sad it must be to go through life with a whole untouched heart!
  初中生英语美文:Happiness is a journey
  We always convince ourselves that life will be better after we get married, have a baby, then another. Then we are frustrated that the kids aren't old enough and we'll be more content when they are. After that we're frustrated that we have teenagers to deal with. we will certainly be happy when they are out of that stage.

  We always tell ourselves that our life will be plete when our spouse gets his or her act together. when we get a nice car, and are able to go on a nice vocation when we retire. The truth is, there's no better time than right now. If not now, when? Our life will always be filled with challenges. It's best to admit this to ourselves and decide to be happy anyway.

  One of my favorite quotes***引用,格言*** es from Alfred Souza. He said."for a long time it had seemed to me that life was about to begin-real life. But there was always some obstacle in the way, someting to be gotten through firest, some unfinished business, time still to be served, a debt to be paid.

  Then life would begin. At last it dawned on me that these obstacles were my life." This perspective has helped me to see that there is no way to happiness. Happiness is the way. So treasure every moment that you have.

  And remember that time waits for no one. So stop waiting until you finish school, until you go back to school; until you get married, until you get divorced; until you have kids; until you retire; until you get a new car or home; until spring; until you are born again to decide that there is no better time than right now to be happy….

  Happiness is a journey, not a destination. So, work like you don't need money, love like you've never been hurt, and dance like no one's watching.
  初中生英语美文:Fifty-percent Expectation
  I believe in the "50-percent theory". Half the time things are better than normal; the other half, they are worse. I believe life is a pendulum***钟摆*** swing. It takes time and experience to understand what normal is, and that gives me the perspective to deal with the surprises of the future.

  Let's benchmark the parameters: Yes, I will die. I've dealt with the deaths of both parents, a best friend, a beloved boss and cherished pets. Some of these deaths have been violent, before my eyes, or slow and agonizing***苦恼的*** . Bad stuff, and it belongs at the bottom of the scale.

  Then there are those high points: romance and marriage to the right person; having a child and doing those Dad things like coaching my son's baseball team, paddling around the creek in the boat while he's swimming with the dogs, discovering his passion so deep it manifests even in his kindness to snails, his imagination so vivid he builds a spaceship from a scattered pile of Legos.

  But there is a vast meadow of life in the middle, where the bad and thegood flip-flop acrobatically. This is what convinces me to believe in the 50-percent theory.

  One spring I planted corn too early in a bottomland so flood-prone thatneighbors laughed. I felt chagrined at the wasted effort. Summer turned brutal-- the worst heat wave and drought in my lifetime. The air-conditioner died,the well went dry, the marriage ended, the job lost, the money gone. I wasliving lyrics from a country tune -- music I loathed. Only a surging Kansas City Royals team, bound for their first World Series, buoyed***支撑,鼓励*** my spirits.

  Looking back on that horrible summer, I soon understood that all succeeding good things merely offset the bad. Worse than normal wouldn't last long. I am owed and savor the halcyon***宁静的*** times. They reinvigorate me for the next nasty surprise and offer assurance that I can thrive. The 50 percent theory even helps me see hope beyond my Royals' recent slump, a field of struggling rookies sown so that some year soon we can reap an October harvest.

  Oh, yeah, the corn crop? For that one blistering***猛烈的,极热的*** summer, the ground moisture was just right, planting early allowed pollination before heat,withered the tops, and the lack of rain spared the standing corn from floods. That winter my crib overflowed with corn -- fat, healthy three-to-a-stalk ears filled with kernels from heel to tip -- while my neighbors' fields yielded only brown, empty husks.

  Although plantings past may have fallen below the 50-percent expectation, and they probably will again in the future, I am still sustained by the crop that flourishes during the drought.



  经典美文与英语写作是两项相对独立但又相互依赖、相辅相成的关系,这一结论对写作教学有很大启发。我整理了初中英语美文,欢迎阅读!   初中英语美文篇一   友谊   No young man starting life could have better capital than plenty of friends.   年轻人人生起步最好的资本莫过于拥有众多的朋友。   They will strengthen his credit support him in every great effort, and make him what,unaided, he could never be.   朋友可以增加他的声望,尽最大的努力支持他,并使他达到无朋友帮助时绝不可能达到的成就。   Friends of the right sort will help him more to be happy and successful than much money or great learning.   交对朋友将会比大笔的金钱或高深的学问更能让他快乐和成功。   Friendship is no one-sided affair.   友谊不是单方面的事。   There can be no friendship without reciprocity.   没有互惠就不能算是友谊。   One cannot receive all and give nothing,or give all and receive nothing,and expect to experience the joy and fullness of true companionship.   一个人不可能只是接受而不付出,只是付出而不回收,却期望能够享有真挚友谊的欢欣和满足。   Those who would make friends must cultivate the qualities which are admired and which attract.   想交朋友必须培养受人赞赏和吸引人的特质。   If you are mean stingy and selfish,nobody will admire you.   如果你小气、吝啬又自私,没有人会欣赏你。   You must cultivate generosity and large-heartedness; you must be magnanimous and tolerant;   你必须培养慷慨和宽宏大量的气度;你必须有雅量并对人容忍;   you must have positive qualities, for a negative, shrinking, apologizing,roundabout man is despised.   你必须要有积极的特质,因为消极、畏缩、爱赔不是和迁回不前的人总是让人瞧不起。   You must believe in yourself. If you do not, others will not believe in you.   你必须信任你自己,否则就不会获得别人的信任。   You must look upward and be hopeful,cheery, and optimistic.   你必须要向前看,充满希望,愉快且乐观。   No one will be attracted to a gloomy pessimist.   没有人会理会一个忧郁的悲观者。   初中英语美文篇二   快乐之钥   To help others,you don't have to be an efficient expert in the art; the main thing is theintention.   你若想助人,并不一定要在助人的艺术方面猛下工夫,重要的是你有没有一颗助人的心。   You may be crude and clumsy, wasteful and ineffective, but if you sincerely try to help, yourattempt produces nothing but good.   你或许粗里粗气,笨手笨脚,徒劳又无成效,但你若真心想帮忙,你的努力只会带来善果。   The one you are trying to help knows your intention and is strengthened and encouraged bythe magic of your sharing.   你想要帮助的人得知你有心相助时,会因为你共担困苦的魔力而变得坚强振作。   In nearly every case,your simple desire to help,converted into action,produces the goodsought.   你单纯的助人之心每次付诸行动时,几乎都会产生预期的善果。   But perhaps the greatest good is the good that you yourself get out of the attempt.   但或许最大的善果却是你从自己努力助人的企图中所得到的善果。   Service to others delivers more joy to you than the joy you deliver to them.   帮助别人所带给你的快乐要多过你带给别人的快乐。   In doing good,you free yourself from the terrible burden of self; you escape from yourself intoa clean world of joy and light.   行善时,你便摆脱了以自我为本位的可怕重担,而进入一个充满喜悦及光明的清新世界。   The good you simply try to do, regardless of the outcome, is always a success inside yourself.   你一心想行的善,不论结果如何,在你心中始终就是一种成功。   Unselfish giving is your most efficient formula for happiness, for you have embraced Eternityinstead of Self;   无私的施舍乃是获得快乐最有效的法则,因为你拥抱的是“永恒”而非“自我”;   you have felt Life, and you are now the world bigger than you were before you began theproject.   你感受到“生命”的存在,而你现在的世界也比你开始行善前还要开阔。   初中英语美文篇三   爱美   The love of beauty is an essential part of all healthy human nature.   爱美乃是所有正常的人性中不可或缺的一部分。   It is a moral quality.   它是心灵的特质。   The absences of it is not an assured ground of condemnation, but the presence of it is aninvariable sign of goodness of heart.   不爱美并不一定是坏事,但爱美则象征了不变的善心。   In proportion to the degree in which it is felt will probably be the degree in which noblenessand beauty of character will be attained.   品德的高尚与美好所达到的程度可能与爱美的感受度成正比。   Natural beauty is an all一pervading presence.   大自然的美是随处可见的。   The universe is its temple.   宇宙即是其殿堂。   It unfolds into the numberless flowers of spring.It waves in the branches of trees and the greenblades of grass.   美存在于春天无数的花蕊开放时,存在于随风摇曳的树枝与片片绿草中。   It haunts the depths of the earth and the sea.   在陆地及海底深处皆可见到美的芳踪。   It gleams from the hues of the shell and the precious stone.   它绽放于贝壳以及宝石的色泽上。   And not only these minute objects but the oceans, the mountains, the clouds, the stars, therising and the setting sun一all overflow with beauty.   不只是这些细微的东西,还有海洋、山庄、云朵、繁星、日升与日落,无一不美。   This beauty is so precious,and so congenial to our tenderest and noblest feelings,   这样的美是如此珍贵,也如此适合我们最温柔与高尚的情感,   that it is painful to think of the multitude of people living in the midst of it and yet remainingalmost blind to it.   以至想到一大群人身处在美之中却几乎对之视若无睹就令人痛心。   All persons should seek to become acquainted with the beauty in nature.   所有的人都应该设法去认识大自然之美。   There is not a worm we tread upon, nor a leaf that dances merrily as it falls before the autumnwinds, but calls for our study and admiration.   我们所踩过的小虫以及秋风拂掠前飞舞的树叶,皆值得我们研究与赞赏。   The power to appreciate beauty not merely increases our sources of happiness一it enlargesour moral nature, too.   欣赏美的能力不仅可以增加我们快乐的来源,它也开阔了我们的灵性。   Beauty calms our restlessness and dispels our cares.   美使我们不安的心平静下来,也驱散了我们的忧虑。   Go into the fields or the woods, spend a summer day by the sea or the mountains, and all yourlittle perplexities and anxieties will vanish.   走进田野或森林,在夏日的海边或山上待上一天,那么你所有微不足道的困惑与焦虑都会消失。   Listen to sweet music, and your foolish fears and petty jealousies will pass away.   倾听悦耳的音乐,那么你愚昧的恐惧感与微不足道的嫉妒心都会过去。   The beauty of the world helps us to seek and find the beauty of goodness.   世界之美将有助于我们找到善良之美。

