
时间:2024-10-10 18:31:10编辑:分享君


chinese instrument
二胡 Erhu 琵琶 Pipa 高胡 Gaohu
扬琴 Yangqin 笛子 bamboo flute 筝 Zheng 笙 Sheng; 箫 Xiao; 单弦 Danxian; 二弦 Erxian三弦 Sanxian 唢呐 Suona 月琴 Yueqin 竹板 bamboo clappers 中阮 Zhongruan 箜篌Konghou
编钟 chime

Strings Instrument 弦乐器英语翻译
Viola 中提琴
Cello 大提琴
Guitar 吉他
Contrabass 低音提琴
String Bass/Double Bass 低音提琴
Violin 小提琴
Harp 竖琴

Keyboard 键盘乐器英语翻译
Clavichord 翼琴/古钢琴
Harpsichord 大键琴

Organ 风琴乐器英语单词
Church Organ 教堂管风琴
Percussion Organ 敲击试管风琴
Reed Organ 簧风琴
Pipe Organ 管风琴
Rock Organ 摇滚管风琴
Draw Organ 拉杆式舌风琴

Brasses Instrument 铜管乐器英语翻译
French Horn 法国号
Bugle 单号/军乐号
Sousaphone 苏沙低音喇叭
Cornet 短号
Euphonium 粗管上低音号
Baritone 上低音号
Trombone 伸缩号
Trumpet 小号
Tuba 低音号

中国传统乐器 英文介绍

1,古琴(Chinese zither)The oldest plucked instrument in China has a history of more than 3,000 years.(中国最古老的弹拨乐器,有三千多年的历史。)Known as the first of the four arts, in ancient times is the highest status of Musical Instruments. Guqin is full of legendary symbolic colors.(被誉为琴棋书画四艺之首,在古代是地位最崇高的乐器。古琴充满着传奇的象征色彩。)2,瑟(Mr)One of the original silk stringed Musical Instruments in China, it has 25 strings.(中国原始的丝弦乐器之一,共有二十五根弦。)After thousands of years of silence, "youlan han music" has once again presented the legendary voice on the stage.(瑟曾销声匿迹千年之久,而今“幽兰汉乐”将传说中的声音再次呈现于舞台之上。)3,箜篌(The harp)The ancient stringed musical instrument in China started in the han dynasty and has a long history.(中国古老的弹弦乐器,始于汉代,历史悠久。)Wide range, soft and clear tone, strong expression.(音域宽广、音色 柔美清澈,表现力强。)In the tang dynasty, it was used in xiliang, qiuci, shule, koryo and tianzhu. It was lost for 300 years after the Ming dynasty.(唐时期曾用于西凉、龟兹、疏勒、高丽、天竺诸乐中。明代后失传达300年之久。)4,方响(The ring)The ancient percussion instrument consists of sixteen rectangular jade pieces of the same size.(古代打击乐器,由十六块大小相同的长方形玉片组成。)With thickness different fixed tone high, points up and down two suspension, with a small hammer.(以厚薄不同定音高,分上下两层悬挂,用小铁锤敲击。)Appeared in the northern zhou dynasty. In the sui and tang dynasties, it was used in yan music and later in the court.(出现于北周。隋唐时用于燕乐,后也用于宫廷雅乐,自宋代后渐少。)5,八音(eight)A kind of traditional Chinese instrumental wind and percussion music.(中国传统器乐吹打乐的一种。)It was the earliest scientific classification of Musical Instruments in Chinese history.(原为中国历史上最早的乐器科学分类法。)In the western zhou dynasty, the Musical Instruments were made according to their materials.(西周时已将当时的乐器按制作材料。)

