
时间:2024-10-17 03:38:59编辑:分享君


激情01、passion 相关例句名词1. passion的解释1. You may have a passion for her, but it isn't love. 你也许对她怀有强烈的感情,但这不是爱情。2. At those words of mine he broke into a violent passion. 他听了我说的那些话便勃然大怒。3. She had a passion for music. 她十分爱好音乐。语法标注解释 passion英音:['p___n]美音:['p___n] 02、passion的中文翻译以下结果由译典通提供词典解释名词 n. 1.热情,激情[U][C][(+for)] They sang with great passion. 他们满怀激情地歌唱。2.恋情;情欲[U][(+for)] You may have a passion for her, but it isn't love. 你也许对她怀有强烈的感情,但这不是爱情。3.盛怒,忿怒[S] At those words of mine he broke into a violent passion. 他听了我说的那些话便勃然大怒。4. passion 4. They sang with great passion. 他们满怀激情地歌唱。


passion的意思:激情。读音:英[ˈpæʃn]、美[ˈpæʃn]。释义:n. 激情;热情;酷爱;盛怒。变形:复数passions。passion造句如下:1、He does everything with great passion.他对任何事都充满激情。2、He knows the plot of the Passion thoroughly by heart.他对耶稣受难的情节倒背如流。3、He has a passion for Esports.他酷爱电竞比赛。4、She had a passion for gardening.她热爱园艺。5、Many people feel torn between pursuing their passion and settling for a stable career.很多人都在追求理想和稳定的工作之间犹豫纠结。


passion的意思:激情。读音:英[ˈpæʃn]、美[ˈpæʃn]。释义:n. 激情;热情;酷爱;盛怒。变形:复数passions。passion造句如下:1、He does everything with great passion.他对任何事都充满激情。2、He knows the plot of the Passion thoroughly by heart.他对耶稣受难的情节倒背如流。3、He has a passion for Esports.他酷爱电竞比赛。4、She had a passion for gardening.她热爱园艺。5、Many people feel torn between pursuing their passion and settling for a stable career.很多人都在追求理想和稳定的工作之间犹豫纠结。


passion翻译:n.激情;强烈情感;盛怒;激愤;强烈的爱(尤指两性间的);酷爱;耶稣的受难例句:1.Their passion was reignited by a romantic trip to Venice.去威尼斯的浪漫之旅重新燃起了他们的激情。2.It was not for her to see the wellspring of human passion.她当然不懂得人类强烈情感的来源。3.His passion for her made him blind to everything else.他钟情于她,达到了不顾一切的地步。4.Passions were running high at the meeting.会上群情沸腾。5.She flies into a passion if anyone even mentions his name.哪怕是有人提到他的名字,她也会勃然大怒。6.Her passion for dancing never dimmed over the years.这些年来她对跳舞的热情一直不减。7.The English have a passion for gardens.英国人酷爱花园。

