she is gone 原唱

时间:2024-11-09 12:50:17编辑:分享君

shes gone原唱 shes gone歌词

1、《she's gone》由重金属乐队Steelheart演唱,主唱是Michael Matijevic,吉他手是Chris Risola,贝司是James Ward,鼓手是Frank Dicostanzo。

2、shes gone歌词

She's gone, 她走了

Out of my life. 远离我的生活

I was wrong, 我错了

I'm to blame, 我罪该如此

I was so untrue. 我如此恍惚

I can't live without her love. 没有她的爱我无法过活

In my life 在我生命中

There's just an empty space.有的只是无尽的空虚

All my dreams are lost, 所有的梦都已湮没

I'm wasting away. 我日渐消瘦

Forgive me, girl. 宽恕我吧,女孩

Lady, won't you save me? lady,不想拯救我吗

My heart belongs to you. 我的心属于您

Lady, can you forgive me? lady,你能原谅我吗

For all I've done to you. 对你所做的一切

Lady, oh, lady. lady,噢,lady

She's gone, 她走了

Out of my life. 从我生命中消失

Oh, she's gone. 噢,她走了

I find it so hard to go on. 我想我很难继续

I really miss that girl, my love. 我真的想念那个女孩, 我的爱

Come back into my arms. 回来我怀中

I'm so alone, 我如此孤单

I'm begging you, 我乞求您

I'm down on my knees. 我向您跪下

Forgive me, girl. 宽恕我吧,女孩

Lady, oh, lady. lady,噢,lady

My heart belongs to you. 我的心属于您

Lady, can you forgive me? lady,你能原谅我吗

For all I've done to you. 对你所做的一切

shes gone原唱 shes gone歌词

1、《she's gone》由重金属乐队Steelheart演唱,主唱是Michael Matijevic,吉他手是Chris Risola,贝司是James Ward,鼓手是Frank Dicostanzo。

2、shes gone歌词

She's gone, 她走了

Out of my life. 远离我的生活

I was wrong, 我错了

I'm to blame, 我罪该如此

I was so untrue. 我如此恍惚

I can't live without her love. 没有她的爱我无法过活

In my life 在我生命中

There's just an empty space.有的只是无尽的空虚

All my dreams are lost, 所有的梦都已湮没

I'm wasting away. 我日渐消瘦

Forgive me, girl. 宽恕我吧,女孩

Lady, won't you save me? lady,不想拯救我吗

My heart belongs to you. 我的心属于您

Lady, can you forgive me? lady,你能原谅我吗

For all I've done to you. 对你所做的一切

Lady, oh, lady. lady,噢,lady

She's gone, 她走了

Out of my life. 从我生命中消失

Oh, she's gone. 噢,她走了

I find it so hard to go on. 我想我很难继续

I really miss that girl, my love. 我真的想念那个女孩, 我的爱

Come back into my arms. 回来我怀中

I'm so alone, 我如此孤单

I'm begging you, 我乞求您

I'm down on my knees. 我向您跪下

Forgive me, girl. 宽恕我吧,女孩

Lady, oh, lady. lady,噢,lady

My heart belongs to you. 我的心属于您

Lady, can you forgive me? lady,你能原谅我吗

For all I've done to you. 对你所做的一切

林志炫 我是歌手 heaven knows 原唱是谁

另一条回答完全是随意搜来的不负责任的回答。准确的原唱是Rick Price!
Rick Price 出生于Beaudesert ,澳大利亚昆士兰州布里斯班。9岁时就作为家庭乐队的成员参与演出,展现出了音乐方面的天赋, “这是有点儿奇怪我猜。那里你阿姨和叔叔,弟弟和妹妹玩乡村音乐混合迷幻摇滚! ”在18岁时,他来到悉尼,以贝司手的身份演出,直到80年代中期才将演艺重点转向歌唱,他与众不同的声线终于被人所认知。
早期的职业生涯期间,他在表演舞台发生了烟火事故。焰火爆炸后触及Rick Price的左腿。其结果是,他受伤的腿被截肢到膝盖以下。这是鲜为人知的,Rick Price一直隐藏自己使用义肢的秘密。他担心,它会妨碍他在主流社会的成功。
Rick Price在80年代后期开始自己写歌,“我开始进入我自己的写作和我自己的歌。 ”1992年2月发行单曲《Not A Day Goes By》,得到电台的播放,攀升到当地音乐排行版的第5位,在澳大利亚top 100音乐版上停留了20周。这是Rick Price演艺生涯的重大转折,在12个月内,他由一个无名小卒变身为澳大利亚歌坛的名人。
1992年4月,Rick Price 发行了第2首单曲《Heaven Knows》。这是另一首10大金曲,它的发行使Price成为真正的著名歌星。这首歌也开启了Rick Price的国际演艺生涯。1992年8月,《Heaven Knows》在多个国家发行,并登上了当地的唱片排行版。在澳大利亚成功地巡回演出之后,他又奔赴欧洲,英国,东南亚等地。“他的嗓音跟唱片里一样清晰和有力,事实上他的声音接近完美。”---West Australian。“Rick的演出证明他是一个天才的表演家,他会红很久的。”---Beat。11月,《Heaven Knows》让Rick Price获得了APRA奖(Australian Performing Rights Association)。“那段时间我身心俱疲,”Rick Price说,“同时也很刺激,我走到了从未有过的高度,所以我一点也不讨厌它。”
歌曲名:Heaven Knows
歌手:rick price
专辑:争分夺秒 电视原声大碟

Heaven Knows
Rick Price
She's always on my mind
From the time I wake up,
Till I close my eyes
She's everywhere I go
She's all I know
And though she's so far away,
It just keeps getting stronger
And even now she's gone
I'm still holding on
So tell me, where do I start
'Cause it's breakin' my heart
Don't wanna let her go

Maybe my love will
Come back someday
Only Heaven knows
And maybe our hearts
Will find a way
But only Heaven knows
And all I can do
Is hope and pray
'Cause Heaven knows

My friends keep telling me
That if you really love her,
You've gotta set her free
And if she returns in time
I'll know she's mine
But tell me, where do I start
'Cause it's breakin' my heart
Don't wanna let her go

Maybe my love will
Come back someday
Only Heaven knows
And maybe our hearts
Will find a way
But only Heaven knows
And all I can do
Is hope and pray
'Cause Heaven knows

Why I live in despair
'Cause wide awake or dreamin'
I know she's never there
And all the time I act so brave,
I'm shakin' inside
Why does it hurt me so?
Maybe my love will
Come back someday
Only Heaven knows
And maybe our hearts
Will find a way
But only Heaven knows
And all I can do
Is hope and pray
'Cause Heaven knows
Heaven knows
Heaven knows

