1. The world around us is changing.
2. Our views are changing.
3. Our lifestyles are changing.
4. Our tastes are changing.
5. Even what we are eating for breakfast is changing.
6. Mcdonalds introduces chicken for breakfast.
7. with its new southern style chicken biscuits sandwich.
8. It's perfectly seasoned.
9. Juicy all white meat.
10. The serve got a warm and fluffy coat and A tasting biscuit.
11. Our only taste for breakfast.
12. Let's hear it for non-conformity.
另外,麦当劳公司还掌控著其他一些餐饮品牌,例如午后浓香咖啡Aroma Cafe、Boston Market、Chipotle墨西哥大玉米饼快餐店、Donatos Pizza和Pret a Manger。
在平日的学习、工作和生活里,说到广告词,大家肯定都不陌生吧,广告词具有引导消费者对广告产生情感认同的作用。你还在找寻优秀经典的广告词吗?下面是我为大家整理的麦当劳广告语,仅供参考,欢迎大家阅读。 麦当劳广告语 1、“尝尝欢笑常常麦当劳”。 2、超牛能量,超牛表现! 3、I’M LOVIN’IT (我就喜欢) 4、超级非凡嫩滑多汁板烧,喷香大块鸡腿,爽口生菜,秘制酱料,芝麻面包松软,长型的特级板烧鸡腿堡。 5、麦当劳:“你理应休息一天。” 麦当劳简介: 麦当劳餐厅(McDonalds Corporation),是1940年由麦当劳兄弟和Ray Kroc在美国创立的大型连锁快餐集团。麦当劳总部设在美国伊利诺伊州欧克布鲁克,在世界上大约拥有三万间分店,总投资达5亿美元,主要售卖汉堡包、薯条、炸鸡、汽水、沙拉等。麦当劳餐厅遍布在全世界六大洲百余个国家,在很多国家麦当劳代表着一种美国式的生活方式。麦当劳在中国大陆地区的早期的译名是“麦克唐纳快餐”。1990年10月8日,中国内地第一家麦当劳餐厅在深圳开业。2014年4月,为了降低成本,麦当劳承认在麦乐鸡和鸡肉汉堡中使用了以转基因饲料喂养的肉鸡,引发 “唯利是图”的批评。2015年7月,麦当劳宣布将其自创汉堡业务概念店引入上海、广州,并于2016年落户北京。2015年9月25日,微信支付与麦当劳中国达成合作。2015年12月3日,欧盟反垄断监管机构表示已对麦当劳在卢森堡的税务问题展开全面调查。2016年1月,麦当劳发布财报,第四季度净盈利12.1亿美元。2016年7月,麦当劳发布的第二财季业绩报告显示,净利润10.9亿美元,合每股收益1.25美元,较市场预期高出13美分。麦当劳全季营收62.7亿美元,同比下降3.5%,符合市场预期。 1902 年10月5日,麦当劳创办人雷.克罗克在美国伊利诺伊州芝加哥诞生。 1903年,美国人熟识的汉堡包在密苏里州圣路易斯安那采购展览会上面世。 1940年,理查德.麦当劳与莫里斯.麦当劳兄弟在美国加利福尼亚州的圣贝纳迪诺创建了 “Dick and Mac McDonald” 餐厅, 是现在麦当劳餐厅的原型。 1948年,餐厅引入“快速度服务系统”原则,简称“快餐厅”。 1955年,行政总裁雷.克洛克在伊利诺伊州的德斯普兰斯以经销权开设了首个麦当劳餐厅,也是公司的第九个分店。第一天的'营业额是366.12美元。 1960年,雷.克洛克正式将“Dick and Mac McDonald”餐厅更名为“McDonald's” 。 1961年,雷.克罗克以270万美元收购麦当劳兄弟的餐厅。汉堡包大学在伊利诺斯州的埃尔克格罗夫村成立,为全世界的麦当劳经理提供专门训练。 1962年,麦当劳售出第10亿个汉堡包,罗纳德麦当劳叔叔在华盛顿市首度亮相。 1967年,麦当劳在加拿大开设第一家国际餐厅。 1968年,“巨无霸”面世,麦当劳成立国际业务部。 1972年,麦当劳资产值达到10亿美元。 1973年,第一间麦当劳叔叔之家在宾夕法尼亚洲费城设立。麦当劳叔叔之家专门为下在接受癌病或其他致命疾病治疗的儿童的家人而设立。 1977年,麦当劳正式在全国餐厅中增加多款套餐 1980 麦当劳成立25周年,麦当劳在香港开设第1000家国际餐厅,国际营业额首次突破10亿美元。 日本麦当劳樱花主题套餐 日本麦当劳樱花主题套餐(4) 1984年,售出第500亿个汉堡包;麦当劳创办人雷.克罗克病逝,享年81岁;为了纪念雷.克罗克,公司成立了麦当劳叔叔儿童慈善基金,旨在资助各类儿童计划,范围遍及医疗保健、医疗研究、教育艺术、公民与社会服务。 1988年,第10,000家麦当劳餐厅成立。 1990年,麦当劳在中国大陆(深圳)及苏联(莫斯科)开设第一家餐厅。 1992年,麦当劳在中国北京开设第一家餐厅。 1993年,麦当劳在中国广州开设第一家餐厅。 1994年,麦当劳在中国福州开设第一家餐厅。 1995年,麦当劳在中国武汉开设第一家餐厅。 1998年,麦当劳在中国长沙开设第一家餐厅。 2002年,麦当劳卖出第1000亿个汉堡。 2014年2月13日,麦当劳在华开放一线城市对个人的特许经营。 2015年7月,已进入中国25年的麦当劳宣布将其自创汉堡业务(“我创我味来”,Create Your Taste)概念店引入上海、广州,并于2016年落户北京,以满足中国消费者个性化需求,并力求通过新业务的展开更快推动业绩上升。麦当劳中国自创汉堡项目是让消费者根据个人喜好,从24种食材中选择原料,创作个性化汉堡。
广告 语的创作是一项需要灵感与不断创新工作,广告语的文体形式并无定式,需要从业者在具体工作中不断创造和完善。下面是我带来的关于麦当劳经典英文广告语的内容,欢迎阅读!
Waiter: Good morning, Mr x x Mrs.
Mr xx: Good morning!
Waiter: Are you happy at Chateau Le Foot?
Mr. x x: very happy!
Waiter: I think you will like our breakfast.
Mr xx: Breakfast?
Waiter: Yes! Toast plus eggs, the top also sprinkled salmon, as long as 17 yuan 49 points, affordable.
Mrs. x x: Oh, no, we're going to McDonald's.
Waiter: McDonald's?
Mr. xx: they launched the morning special meals as long as 99 cents.
Waiter: 99 cents.
Mrs. x x: two scrambled eggs, baked English muffins, plus a crispy french fries.
Sound: footsteps far away
Waiter: Oh, the original so, I wish you a happy.
(Wait, another gentleman appears)
Hi, Mr x x!
X X: early!
Waiter: Do you want to eat our delicious special breakfast?
X X: A special breakfast?
Waiter: a good big eggs and salmon fried together with fragrant, accompanied by long thick toast, only 12 yuan 49 points.
X X: No!
Waiter: 4 dollars ...
No, I'm going to McDonald 's for scrambled eggs, baked English muffins, and crispy fries.
Waiter: Oh, great! (Whisper) What a great thing.
Mrs. x x: Good morning!
Waiter: Ah! Mrs. x x, do you have breakfast with us?
Mrs. x x: No, I ... but I ...
Waiter: I locked the door, you can not go to McDonald 's.
Mrs. x x: Help!
Sound: noisy, shouting, more than commotion
Announcer: surprise price of 99 cents, a special breakfast in McDonald's.
麦当劳 英文广告词
1. "Try to laugh often McDonald's".
2. Super cow energy, super cow performance!
3. I 'M LOVIN'IT (I like it)
4. Super special tender tender juicy plate burning, spicy chicken, refreshing lettuce, secret sauce, sesame bread soft, long-type special plate chicken chicken Fort
McDonald's: "You should take a day off."
5.Why we have I am lovin it here but not I love it? What is the difference between them?
6.I'm loving it
7.You should take a rest day.
8.try to laugh often McDonald's
McDonald 's (McDonald' s) is the world 's largest multinational restaurant chain, founded in 1940 in the United States, in the world with about 30,000 outlets. Mainly selling hamburgers, and fries, fried chicken, soft drinks, ice products, salads, fruits and other fast food.
1, super cow energy, super cow performance!
McDonald 's: "You should take a day off.
3, super special tender tender juicy plate burning fragrant large pieces of chicken refreshing lettuce secret sauce sesame bread soft long type of special plate chicken chicken Fort
4, "try to laugh often McDonald's."
5, i'mlovin'it (I like it)
Pa giant no, you deserve!
Love 糬 article, love flail pulp, M remember to change life!
Enjoy the oil, M remember Yin Yue ice cream!
Spicy Chicken, M chicken fighting chicken!
麦当劳英文广告词相关 文章 :
1. 麦当劳的英文广告词
2. 经典英文广告语集锦
3. 麦当劳广告词
4. 常用英文广告词大全
5. 奥利奥英文广告文案
1 Why we have I am lovin it here but not I love it? What is the difference between them?
2 I'm loving it
3 You should take a rest day.
4 try to laugh often McDonald's
McDonald 's McDonald' s is the world 's largest multinational restaurant chain, founded in 1940 in the United States, in the world with about 30,000 outlets. Mainly selling hamburgers, and fries, fried chicken, soft drinks, ice products, salads, fruits and other fast food.
1, super cow energy, super cow performance!
McDonald 's: "You should take a day off.
3, super special tender tender juicy plate burning fragrant large pieces of chicken refreshing lettuce secret sauce sesame bread soft long type of special plate chicken chicken Fort
4, "try to laugh often McDonald's."
5, i'mlovin'it I like it
Pa giant no, you deserve!
Love 糬 article, love flail pulp, M remember to change life!
Enjoy the oil, M remember Yin Yue ice cream!
Spicy Chicken, M chicken fighting chicken!
Waiter: Good morning, Mr x x Mrs.
Mr xx: Good morning!
Waiter: Are you happy at Chateau Le Foot?
Mr. x x: very happy!
Waiter: I think you will like our breakfast.
Mr xx: Breakfast?
Waiter: Yes! Toast plus eggs, the top also sprinkled salmon, as long as 17 yuan 49 points, affordable.
Mrs. x x: Oh, no, we're going to McDonald's.
Waiter: McDonald's?
Mr. xx: they launched the morning special meals as long as 99 cents.
Waiter: 99 cents.
Mrs. x x: two scrambled eggs, baked English muffins, plus a crispy french fries.
Sound: footsteps far away
Waiter: Oh, the original so, I wish you a happy.
Wait, another gentleman appears
Hi, Mr x x!
X X: early!
Waiter: Do you want to eat our delicious special breakfast?
X X: A special breakfast?
Waiter: a good big eggs and salmon fried together with fragrant, acpanied by long thick toast, only 12 yuan 49 points.
X X: No!
Waiter: 4 dollars ...
No, I'm going to McDonald 's for scrambled eggs, baked English muffins, and crispy fries.
Waiter: Oh, great! Whisper What a great thing.
Mrs. x x: Good morning!
Waiter: Ah! Mrs. x x, do you have breakfast with us?
Mrs. x x: No, I ... but I ...
Waiter: I locked the door, you can not go to McDonald 's.
Mrs. x x: Help!
Sound: noisy, shouting, more than motion
Announcer: surprise price of 99 cents, a special breakfast in McDonald's.