剑桥少儿英语预备级 剑桥少儿英语考试是推动生动、精彩的`语言使用,精确考察英语水平,展示国际化水平考试,促进有效的语言教育和学习。以下是关于剑桥少儿英语预备级,希望大家认真阅读! Unit 1 重点词汇: 【认读】你好Hello!Hi!,早上好Morning!Good morning!,猴子monkey,小狗dog,小猫cat,熊猫panda,熊bear 重点句型: 你好,小猴!Hello,Monkey Munchy! 你好,小狗!Hello, Dog Doffy! 你好,熊猫!Hi, Panda Pandy! 你好,泰迪熊!Hi, Teddy Bear! 早上好,熊猫!Good morning, Panda Pandy! 早上好,小猫!Good morning, Cat Catty! 早,小猴!Morning, Monkey Munchy! 早,小狗!Morning, Dog Doffy! Unit 2 Beginning sounds 重点词汇: 【默写】Aa, Bb, Cc 【认读】艾米Amy,苹果apple,香蕉banana,竹子bamboo,熊bear,蛋糕cake,猫cat,凯茜Cathy 重点句型: 请拿一个苹果。An apple,please. 吃些蛋糕吗?Some cake? 不!不!No! No! Unit 3 Dog, elephant, fish and giraffe 重点词汇: 【默写】Dd, Ee, Ff, Gg 【认读】鸭子duck,狗dog,鳗鱼eel,大象elephant,鱼fish,青蛙frog,女孩girl,长颈鹿giraffe 重点句型: 看,它是一个青蛙! Look! It’s a frog! 是的,它是。Yes, it is. 欢迎!Welcome! 玩得开心!Have fun! 我会的。I will. Unit 4 Find the hidden letters 重点词汇: 【默写】Hh, Ii, Jj, Kk 【认读】房子house,冰淇淋ice cream,夹克衫jacket,风筝kite,母鸡hen,马horse 重点句型: 这是字母K。This is letter K. 看我的风筝。Look at my kite. Unit 5 The falling letters 重点词汇: 【默写】Ll, Mm, Nn 【认读】柠檬lemon,台灯lamp,芒果mango,鼻子nose 重点句型: 这是字母L。This is letter L. 看!字母L。Look! The letter L. Unit 6 Fun with letters 重点词汇: 【默写】Oo, Pp, Qq 【认读】桔子orange,菠萝pineapple,皇后queen 重点句型: 这是什么?What is it? 这是字母O。It’s the letter Oo. Unit 7 Animal fun 重点词汇: 【默写】Rr, Ss, Tt 【认读】兔子rabbit,蛇snake,乌龟turtle 重点句型: 看,它们是什么?Look! What are they? 它们是兔子。They’re rabbits. Unit 8 Play and score 重点词汇: 默写】Uu, Vv, Ww 【认读】雨伞umbrella,背心vest,窗户window 重点句型: A is for apple. B is for banana. C is for cat. D is for dog. E is for elephant. G is for giraffe. H is for horse. I is for ice cream. J is for jacket. K is for kite. L is for lemon. M is for mango. N is for nose. O is for orange e. P is for pineapple. R is for rabbit. S is for snake. T is for turtle. U is for umbrella. V is for vest. W is for window. ;
剑桥少儿英语预备级基础知识 语法一直是基础学习中的一大难点,由于很多学生在学习英语基础语法时不得要领,并最终导致对英语产生消极心理。下面是我整理的`剑桥少儿英语预备级基础知识,欢迎欢迎大家参考! Unit 1 重点词汇: 【认读】你好Hello!Hi!,早上好Morning!Good morning!,猴子monkey,小狗dog,小猫cat,熊猫panda,熊bear 重点句型: 你好,小猴!Hello,Monkey Munchy! 你好,小狗!Hello, Dog Doffy! 你好,熊猫!Hi, Panda Pandy! 你好,泰迪熊!Hi, Teddy Bear! 早上好,熊猫!Good morning, Panda Pandy! 早上好,小猫!Good morning, Cat Catty! 早,小猴!Morning, Monkey Munchy! 早,小狗!Morning, Dog Doffy! Unit 2 Beginning sounds 重点词汇: 【默写】Aa, Bb, Cc 【认读】艾米Amy,苹果apple,香蕉banana,竹子bamboo,熊bear,蛋糕cake,猫cat,凯茜Cathy 重点句型: 请拿一个苹果。An apple,please. 吃些蛋糕吗?Some cake? 不!不!No! No! Unit 3 Dog, elephant, fish and giraffe 重点词汇: 【默写】Dd, Ee, Ff, Gg 【认读】鸭子duck,狗dog,鳗鱼eel,大象elephant,鱼fish,青蛙frog,女孩girl,长颈鹿giraffe 重点句型: 看,它是一个青蛙! Look! It’s a frog! 是的,它是。Yes, it is. 欢迎!Welcome! 玩得开心!Have fun! 我会的。I will. Unit 4 Find the hidden letters 重点词汇: 【默写】Hh, Ii, Jj, Kk 【认读】房子house,冰淇淋ice cream,夹克衫jacket,风筝kite,母鸡hen,马horse 重点句型: 这是字母K。This is letter K. 看我的风筝。Look at my kite. Unit 5 The falling letters 重点词汇: 【默写】Ll, Mm, Nn 【认读】柠檬lemon,台灯lamp,芒果mango,鼻子nose 重点句型: 这是字母L。This is letter L. 看!字母L。Look! The letter L. Unit 6 Fun with letters 重点词汇: 【默写】Oo, Pp, Qq 【认读】桔子orange,菠萝pineapple,皇后queen 重点句型: 这是什么?What is it? 这是字母O。It’s the letter Oo. Unit 7 Animal fun 重点词汇: 【默写】Rr, Ss, Tt 【认读】兔子rabbit,蛇snake,乌龟turtle 重点句型: 看,它们是什么?Look! What are they? 它们是兔子。They’re rabbits. Unit 8 Play and score 重点词汇: 【默写】Uu, Vv, Ww 【认读】雨伞umbrella,背心vest,窗户window 重点句型: A is for apple. B is for banana. C is for cat. D is for dog. E is for elephant. G is for giraffe. H is for horse. I is for ice cream. J is for jacket. K is for kite. L is for lemon. M is for mango. N is for nose. O is for orange e. P is for pineapple. R is for rabbit. S is for snake. T is for turtle. U is for umbrella. V is for vest. W is for window. ;