
时间:2025-02-07 04:06:38编辑:分享君


  同学们学习过哪些关于有志者事竟成的英语谚语呢?都还记得吗?以下是我为大家收集的关于有志者事竟成的英语谚语,供大家参考,希望对大家有所帮助,欢迎大家一起来阅读!    有志者事竟成的英语谚语   一分事业心能抵十分特权。   A single enterprise is worth a great privilege.   鹰爱高飞,鸦栖一枝。   The Eagle loves to fly high and the crow roosts in one branch.   丈夫四海志,万里犹比邻。   Hu *** and's gazetteers are still close to each other in thousands of miles.   宝剑锋从磨利出,梅花香自苦寒来。   Sword blades e from sharpening, plum blossom fragrance es from bitter cold.   与其当一辈子乌鸦,莫如当一次鹰。   It is better to be an eagle than to be a crow all one's life.   怠惰是贫穷的制造厂。   Idleness is a poor manufacturer.   有志者能使石头长出青草来。   A man of ambition can make a stone grow green grass.   志当存高远。   The ambition should be lofty.   不要志气高大,倒要俯就卑微的人。   Don't be ambitious, but humble.   人若有志,万事可为。   If a man has ambition, everything can be done.   有志者,事意成。   Where there is a will, there is a will.   造物之前,必先造人。   Man must be created before creation.   远大的希望造就伟大的人物。   Great hopes make great men.   雨不会下一年,人不会穷一世。   Rain will not e next year, people will not be poor all their lives.   人不可貌相,海水不可斗量。   Man can't look, sea water can't be measured.   男子千年志,吾生未有涯。   Men's Millennium Records, my life is not limited.   生无一锥土,常有四海心。   Without a cone of soil, there is always a heart of the sea.   每一发奋努力的背后,必有加倍的赏赐。   Behind every hard work, there must be double reward.   忍耐力较诸脑力,尤胜一筹。   Patience is better than brains.   心随朗月高,志与秋霜洁。   Heart with the moon, ambition and autumn frost clean.   天不生无碌之人,地不长无根之草。   No man is born without a busy life, and no grass without roots grows on the earth.   蚁穴虽小,溃之千里。   Although the ant nest is *** all, it collapses thousands of miles.   雄心志四海,万里望风尘。   Ambition is everywhere, and the wind and dust are in sight for thousands of miles.   不怕路远,只怕志短。   Not afraid of the long road, but afraid of the short ambition.   人惟患无志,有志无有不成者。   A man has no ambition, but he who has ambition has no success.   立志难也,不在胜人,在自胜。   It's hard to make up one's mind, not to win, but to win.   雨不会下一年,人不会穷一世。   Rain will not e next year, people will not be poor all their lives.   心志要坚,意趣要乐。   Keep your mind strong and have fun.   人生各有志。   Life has its own aspirations.   山高自有客行路,水深自有摆渡人。   The mountain has its own passenger road and the water has its own ferry.   天下无难事,只怕有心人。   Nothing is difficult in the world, just for those who are willing to do it.   有志者,事竟成。   Where there is a will, there is a way.   谁不向前看,谁就会面临许多困难。   anyone who does not look forward will face many difficulties.   如其坐而言,不如起而立。   as far as sitting is concerned, it is better to stand up.   贫穷是一切艺术职业的母亲。   poverty is the mother of all art professions.   以天下为己任。   take the world as its responsibility.   沧海可填山可移,男儿志气当如斯。   the sea can be filled with mountains and movable. men should be so ambitious.   刀无钢刃不锋利,人无意志不坚定。   a knife without a steel blade is not sharp, and a man has no will to be unswerving.   石看纹理山看脉,人看志气树看材。   stone looks at the veins of the mountain, people look at the zhiqi tree.   丈夫清万里,谁能扫一室。   who can sweep a room when the hu *** and is clean?   鸟不展翅膀难高飞。   a bird cannot fly high without spreading its wings.   丈夫志不大,何以佐乾坤。   hu *** and ambition is not big, why help qiankun.   三军可夺帅也,匹夫不可夺志也。   the three armies can seize manders, but no man can seize aspirations.   志高山峰矮,路从脚下伸。   zhigao mountain is short and the road stretches from below.


有志者 事竟成的英文:where there is a will,there is a waywill 读法 英 [wɪl] 美 [wɪl] 1、modal谈及将来;(表示愿意)愿,要,会,定要;烦劳别人做事时用2、v.想要;希望;愿意;喜欢3、v.立定志向;决心;决意;想要(某事发生);立遗嘱将(财产等)赠与(某人);立遗嘱赠与4、n.意志;毅力;自制力;意愿;心愿;遗嘱短语:1、strong will 坚强的意志;强烈意愿;战胜自我2、ill will 恶意;憎恶3、iron will 钢铁意志,毅力鸿鹄之志秦末农民起义领袖陈胜,出身贫穷,年轻时当雇工,替人耕田种地。他立志将来要干一番轰轰烈烈的大事。在一起当雇工的伙伴都笑话他,认为替人耕田种地的下等人,还想干一番大事业,是癞蛤蟆想吃天鹅肉——异想天开。陈胜看到自己的宏大抱负,不能被一些眼光短浅的人所理解,感叹道:“燕雀安知鸿鹄之志哉。”意思是说,小小的燕雀,是不可能知道天鹅的大志的。后来,陈胜终于成了农民起义军的领袖,他首先起兵,反抗秦朝的故事就此展开。弃医学文青年时期鲁迅曾到日本仙台医学专科学校学医,希望以医救国。学校放影片,有时穿插放映一些时事幻灯片。有一次放映有关日俄战争的纪录片,画面上出现很多中国人围观一个被说成是俄国间谍的中国人,这个人将被砍头示众,周围人在看热闹,画面上观众体格强壮而精神麻木。鲁迅深受刺激,内心十分痛苦,他深深感到,学医在当前并不是一件要紧的事,思想愚昧精神麻木的人们即使体格再健壮,也只能被示众或作看客。最紧要的,是在改变他们的精神,而善于改变精神的是文艺。于是,他毅然弃医学文。终于成为我国现代伟大的文学家、思想家,文化运动的先驱和旗手。

