
时间:2023-07-04 16:03:04编辑:分享君

1、I laughed softly.

2、The doctor laughed bitterly.

3、But the young Fisherman laughed.

4、She laughed and said: Hah!

5、Cosette laughed, chattered, and sang from daybreak.

6、He laughed off an embarrassing situation.

7、Gao Ma almost laughed in her exasperation.

8、The foreman pointed at my soiled pants and laughed, and the other workers laughed, too.

9、We all laughed at the absurdity in his reasoning.

10、The crying boy laughed at the funny story.

11、The merchant laughed and demanded his winnings from the bet.

12、All these reports were laughed off as nonsense.

13、The audience laughed the performer out of the theatre.

14、If the miserable waste ground lying near it could have laughed, it would have laughed it to scorn, like many of the miserable neighbours.

