
时间:2023-08-24 09:52:12编辑:分享君


1、介词 prep. 在…旁靠近 · Our teacher was sitting by the window. 我们的老师正坐在窗户旁边。 · Stand by me!

站到我的身旁来! · We spent our holiday by the sea. 我们在海边度假。

2、 介词 prep. 经过 · He walked by me without speaking. 他走过我的身旁,没有说话。 · My brother goes by the building every day. 我弟弟每天从这楼旁走过。

3、介词 prep. 用靠通过

using (showing who or what did something) · I know it by heart. 我把它记在心头。 · They can read by touch. 他们可以通过手摸来阅读。 · By getting up early, I can have an hour for reading English in the morning. 靠起得早,我每天早晨有一小时时间阅读英语。

4、介词 prep. 不迟于 not later than · I shall be back by 5 o'clock. 最迟五点我一定回来。 · How many English parties had you had by the end of last term? 到上学期末,你们举行了几次英语晚会

5、介词 prep. 通过沿着 through along over · We came through the fields, not by the road. 我们是穿过田野而不是沿那条路来的。 · to send a letter by post 通过邮局寄信

6、介词 prep. (表示作者)被由

word that shows the author, painter, etc. · Thirty divided by two is fifteen. 三十除以二得十五。 · The child was saved by a PLA man. 这孩子是由一位解放军战士救活的。 · This bridge was built by the soldiers. 这座桥是士兵们造的。

7、介词 prep. (指交通等)乘用

word that shows what kind of transport, etc. · The man came by bus. 那人是坐公共汽车来的。 · They went to Shanghai by air. 他们坐飞机去上海。

8、介词 prep. 在…情况下在…时间 during · Do you prefer travelling by day or by night? 你喜欢在白天还是在夜晚旅行

9、介词 prep. (表示部分)在…部位 word that shows which part · She led the child by the hand. 她拉着孩子的手往前走。

10、副词 adv. 在旁边 near · He gave me a story book when nobody was by. 当附近无人的时候他把小说给了我。

11、副词 adv. 从旁边经过 past · He hurried by without a word. 他匆匆地走过去没有说一句话。 · Time has gone by. 时间已过去了。 · She walked by. 她走过去了。

