
时间:2023-08-27 08:11:50编辑:分享君

street读音:英 [stri:t] 美 [strit] n.大街,街道复数: streets例句:

1、He lived at 66 Bingfield Street

2、Changing money on the street is illegal — always use a bank 短语:1、(out) on the streets/street (informal) 无家可归流落街头在外面大街上 2、streets ahead (of sb/sth) (BrE, informal) (比某人或事物)好得多,先进得多

3、the streets are paved with gold (saying) (表示在某地挣钱容易)遍地都是黄金

4、on easy street 环境舒适生活优裕安定富足

5、the man (and/or woman) in the street 平民老百姓 扩展资料:同义词一、road读音:英 [rd] 美 [ro?d] n.路通路途径方法vt.在…设置路障(狗)沿臭迹追逐(猎物)(狗)闻着臭迹追复数: roads例句:We just go straight up the Bristol Road 读音:英 [v?nju:] 美 [v?nu:] n.大街林荫路途径,手段〈美〉(南北向)街道复数: avenues例句:Bergdorf Goodman has opened a men's store on Fifth Avenue

