4、众人拾柴火焰高的英文翻译是:More hands produce a stronger flame.
5、众人拾柴火焰高,拼音zhòng rén shí chái huǒyàngāo,汉语词语,解释为众多人都往燃烧的火里添柴,火焰就必然很高。
正如谚语所说的:“众人拾柴火焰高”英文众人拾柴火焰高[zhòng rén shí chái huǒ yàn gāo]词典When everybody adds fuel, the flames rise high.; Great things may be done by mass effort.; The fire burns high when everybody adds wood to it.; Where many help to gather firewood, the flames shoot high.网络Many hands make light work; one finger cannot lift a small stone; When everybody adds fuel, the flames rise high